II Regional Congress of Women Lawyers
In the city of Lima, Peru, the II Regional Congress of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) entitled “Inequality and diversity in Latin America” was held. These are some of the most outstanding activities that most people enjoyed.
National Congress of the Republic, Plaza Bolívar.
Presentation by the president of the organizing committee Dr. Carmen Meza Ingar.
Words of the Illustrious Mr. Dr. Pedro Angulo Arana, Dean of the Lima Bar Association. Discourse of the President of the Committee on Women’s Rights of the Congress of the Republic Miss Indira Huilca Flores. Interugation by the Exma. President of the Congress of the Republic, Ms. Luz Salgado Rubianes.
The family and its future
Sylvia Auad (Brazil)
Rossana Gallo (Argentina)
Blanca Cavero (Spain)
Inequality at work
Adelaida Rocco (Argentina)
Elizabeth Ponce Martínez (Perú)
Luz Roque Montesillo (Perú)
Inequality in politics
Angela Dolmestch (Colombia)
Margot Paucar Espinoza (Perú) Milagro Campos Malpartida (Perú) Carmen Meneses Paucarpura(Perú)
Family ancestral against foreing options
Carmen Meza Ingar (Perú)
J. Rosas Huaran (Perú)
M. Nizama Valladolid (Perú)
The right to sustainable living
H. Carhuatocto Sandoval (Perú)
Mercedes Merino Briones (Perú)
Ángela Ruiz Eldredge Goicochea (Perú)