The I Regional Congress of Women Lawyers, took place in Cali – Colombiam from February 26th to March 2th in 2013.

With the theme “Right of access to justice: international litigation strategies in cases of violence against women”, was aimed at professional social scientists, lawyers, students, activists, advocates and human rights defenders.

Convened by the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and the University of San Buenaventura Cali, in addition to presentations, emblematic and specific cases, it was a questioning of the criteria in the management of justice in the face of violence against women by society and the State in each of the 7 countries participating in the Congress.

The attendees had the opportunity to:

  • Socialize litigation strategies before national or international courts, to identify their successes and failures.
  • To review national legal frameworks in order to identify possible legal ways to improve national protection frameworks.
  • Present case studies on violence against women.
  • Select three cases to accompany national or international litigation (amicus curiae).