FIDA is involved in the promotion, protection and preservation of the rights of women and children. These include their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
We do this by creating and raising legal awareness of the rights as provided in our national laws as well as the international standards of equality. We do this by advocacy and lobbying through our conferences and workshops. Also through networking with other non-governmental organisations and co-operating with governmental organisations as the need arises.
FIDA’s role has been to:
- The aims and principles of the United Nations
- The study of comparative law
- The socio-economic well being of women and children
Women lawyers nationally, regionally and internationally
The opportunities available to the women in civic life, politics, education, industry, business and the professions particularly the legal profession
Create spaces to:
- Establish friendly and international relations
- Champion the rights of women and children
To enhance and promote the welfare of women and children, realizing that on the well-being of women’s and children’s depends the happiness of the home and the strength of society.
To promote the study of comparative law.
To promote the principles and the aims of the United Nations in their legal and social aspects.
FIDA seeks to enhance the status of women by effectively pursuing the following priority themes:

The Federation Executive Officers establish, and each Country Vice-President follows closely, the legal, economic and social position of women and children in their respective countries and direct the efforts of the membership towards securing better conditions through improved legislation and other visible ways:
- The Federation supports the United Nations in all its programs;
- Organizes Women Lawyers and Bar Associations in 73 countries;
- Advocates the establishment of juvenile courts staffed by competent and qualified women judges, wherever possible;
- Works for better penal laws and administration;
- Urges political and civil equality of rights for women;
- Encourages greater participation of women in public office;
- Urges changes in both public and private law affecting women;
- Arranges conferences and forum discussions on legal questions.